Saturday, August 14, 2010

Apache Derby - as Embedded Database

The most convenient part for Apache Derby is it can be an embedded database in JVM. When JVM starts, database starts as well, when JVM shutdown database shutdown as well. it's lightweight, portable and easy to embedded to any application.

Following are steps that how you create test application in Eclipse with Apache Derby DB embedded.
Download Apache Derby from web and extract it to folders you prefer.

Create project and include all jar files in derby lib folder.

Copy (under demo/program/simple folder) to project src folder and run it. you will get simliar console output, which means derby is successfully installed and executed.

Monday, August 9, 2010

Idea about Create a Studio


  • Organization Helps Developers Focus on What they are doing and care less about rest of the miscellaneous.
  • Organization Can Provide Best Development Environment including Software Framework, Hardware Infrastructure. 
  • Organization help members gain their maximum benefit. 70% revenue goes to Project members, 30% go Studio Growing Funding
  • Entire World Grow with This Organization. We developer what people want.
How to Keep Developers
  • Provide Best Development Environment
  • Maximum Benefits
  • Growing Opportunity
Organization Hierarchy
  • Projective Team
  • Functional Team